Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Filipino "suicide" by hanging in Hasbaya

The National News Agency reported today the death by hanging of Filipino domestic worker Maritis Penno on the balcony of her employer's house in Hasbaya, South Lebanon. Internal Security Forces, criminal investigators, and a doctor, Ahmad Daher, examined the body and the house, and concluded that the worker committed suicide by hanging. An investigation was opened into the incident.

متفرقات - انتحار خادمة فيلبينية شنقا في حاصبيا
وطنية - 19/4/2011 أفاد مندوب "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" في حاصبيا طاهر أبو حمدان أن الخادمة الفيلبينية maritis penno وجدت جثة هامدة على شرفة منزل مخدومها ف.ا. في بلدة حاصبيا. وحضر الى المنزل عناصر قوى الأمن الداخلي والأدلة الجنائية والطبيب الشرعي الدكتور احمد ظاهر، حيث تبين أن الخادمة اقدمت على الإنتحار شنقا، وقد فتح تحقيق بالحادث. 


  1. So, they find a poor soul hanging by a cord from a balcony, and the forensic doctor, criminal investigators, and ISF conclude that it was suicide...wow some investigating and forensic analysis there... will they break a sweat and try to find out what drove this poor woman to take her life? simple answer no...

    they will talk with the house "lords" and tell them, "we see these things everyday" and then conclude that it must be these girls that come all the way from the Philippines and elsewhere, leave families and loved ones behind, so they can come clean a house in Lebanon be mistreated while doing so and eventually take their life...they probably came up with a name for the phenomena too 'Suicidal Tourism'...

    the ISF, Forensic Doctors and Investigators possibly feel bothered what a joke...

    Has any house owner been ever held accountable for human rights abuse in these numerous cases that are being investigated?

  2. She should not committed suicide. She should think her family first before doing that.
    Filipino Attorney
